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正规博彩十大网站排名学院 recognizes that students and employees may wish to use a name other than their legal name across college systems. 当请求, the college will use a chosen first name except where use of the legal first name is required by college business or legal need.

The goal of the policy is to provide Agnes 斯科特 students and employees with a consistent experience across college systems and use of one's chosen first name wherever legal first name is not required or necessary. Agnes 斯科特’s infrastructure is multi-faceted and complex, utilizing many software systems. 虽然许多系统已经反映了选择的名字, there are remaining systems where the implementation of chosen first name is forthcoming or where legal first name and chosen first name both appear. As systems are updated or replaced, chosen first name capabilities will be improved and implemented.


You can request a name change by completing the 名字 Change Form in the following offices:

  • 学生们,教务处
  • 员工,人力资源部

请注意,地址与法定名称相关联. 这意味着所有寄到家庭住址的通知, 包括税务文件, 支付给学校的学费和其他款项, 等. 会有合法的名字吗.

The college is required to use your legal first name for official external reports but may use the chosen first name to the extent feasible for internal identification.

提交更改名称表格后, the display option you select (see options below) will be recorded and your chosen first name, 如果指定了, 将由注册主任办公室或人力资源办公室审查. 一旦您选择的名字被接受,它将出现在下面标识的系统中. 如果你选择的名字没有被批准, 你合法的名字将是你在大学记录上唯一的名字.


  • 用于虚假陈述、不专业修饰等目的的姓名.
  • 包含非alpha字符的名称
  • 包含冒犯性、贬损性、歧视性或不恰当语言的名称
  • 只使用法定名(默认),例如Agnes I. 斯科特
  • 只选择名字,比如欧文·斯科特
  • 法定名字(选择的名字),例如Agnes (Irvine) 斯科特
  • AscAgnes
    • 班级名册*
    • 职系名册*
    • 我的顾问*
    • 欢迎! 名字
  • 运动队名单
  • Canvas
  • 自由的法令
  • 指南针
  • 下降的平衡
  • Diploma - students may choose their printed diploma name when submitting the graduation application.
  • 电子邮件帐户显示名称
  • 毕业/开始课程-除非在毕业申请上另有说明
  • 住房记录
  • ID Card - chosen name will appear on the front of an ID Card and legal name will appear in small print on the back of the ID Card.
  • 教师姓名在班级搜索和学生时间表
  • 库记录
  • 媒体/公共关系公告
  • 在线目录- OPD(除非目录被抑制)
  • 高级授职仪式
  • 非官方/建议文件


  • AscAgnes
    • 正规博彩十大网站排名电子成绩单在线订购服务
    • 学位审核
    • 我的户口结单
    • 我的经济援助
    • 我的资料
    • 正式班级名册
    • 薪酬建议
    • 成绩单申请状态
    • 随时间的变化
    • 查看我的1098-T表格
    • 查看我的1099-MISC信息
    • 报税表的语句
  • 学位审核*
  • 紧急应变及执法系统(警察、民政事务处等.)
  • 经济资助*
  • 需要且只能容纳法定名称的内部系统
  • 医疗记录(Medicat和Aetna)
  • NCAA的文书工作
  • 全国学生信息交流中心
  • 网络用户名 & 电子邮件地址
  • 对注册查询(如验证请求)的响应
  • SEVIS和I-20
  • 学生雇员/工资信息 
  • 学生财务账户(账单等.)*
  • 经颅磁刺激
  • 成绩单-官方或非官方*
  • 旅行文件
  • 所有外部沟通和报告


In order to change the legal name on your official college records such as transcripts and employment records, 你必须合法更改你的名字. 对于员工来说,合法更改姓名需要提交社会保障卡. 学生可以提供护照、法庭文件原件和/或政府签发的签证. If you are a graduate, you can also request an updated diploma with your current legal name. 不过你的名字会在所有文件上更改, your prior name will continue to be listed as a previous identity in the college’s database in order to ensure that any searches of your former name will access the correct files.

如果您想阻止您的任何信息因任何原因被发布, 您可以通过向注册主任办公室填写《正规博彩十大网站排名》来选择退出. A total FERPA block means that data from your college educational records cannot be released to anyone, 包括潜在雇主或贷款公司寻求核实你的注册. However, a student may not be "anonymous" to other class members enrolled in the same class. College officials with a legitimate educational interest may still have access to your education record.



是也不是. 是的,您可以更改显示名称. 不,你不能更改你的电子邮件地址. Please recognize that changing your email display name can have unintended consequences and result in name search failures or result in a sent message not readily being recognized as a message from you.
Your request form will be processed within 5 business days and you will see the new chosen first name in some systems within 1-3 days after the form is processed. Be aware that the name change will not appear in all systems at the same time and systems that require your legal first name will continue to show your legal name. Processing time may take longer at the beginning and end of each semester as that is a busy time for the Offices of the 注册商 and Human Resources.
目前,更改名字的频率没有限制. 然而, keep in mind that making this change can have ripple effects throughout your day-to-day experiences. Changing your chosen first name more than once per year can lead to confusion regarding your identity, 给客户服务带来挑战, 和/或导致您无法访问某些大学系统.
选择的名字是在大学社区使用. 国际学生可以自由选择一个名字在校园使用. 然而,这并不适用于需要一个人的合法姓名的情况. For the purpose of F-1 or J-1 student visa status, the legal name is required on I-20s and DS-2019s. 护照上显示的是个人的合法姓名.
Students should contact the Office of the 注册商 and employees should contact the Office of Human Resources.
在您的表格被处理之后, 所选的名字将按照上述策略中的描述显示. The change may take longer to appear on the some systems depending on the data updated timing.
Your professor will see your legal first name as described in the “在下列情况下必须使用合法的名字” section.
Referring to students by the name they wish to be called in classrooms and when interacting with college personnel supports a respectful learning environment. 教职员工会尽量直呼你的名字.
注册官办公室将变更通知ITS. 当您的新身份证准备好后,您将收到ITS的电子邮件. 当你拿起信用卡时,准备好支付15美元的补办费. 也, 请注意,如果您已经表示希望被称为您所选择的名字, your chosen first name will appear on the front of the ID Card and your legal first name will appear on the back of the ID Card in a smaller font.
法定名称是指标识一个人的法定名称, 行政及其他官方用途. A person's legal first name generally is the name of the person that was given for the purpose of registration of the birth and which then appears on a birth certificate.
Chosen first name is a first name you prefer to be called by others and identified by in college systems. 这和你的名字不一样. A nickname is something your close friends or family may use but will not be recorded unless you specify it as your chosen first name.


Approved: Cabinet, January 2019; revised July 2019
